Don’t stay in your shell – come be batty for wildlife at our new “Wildlife on our Lake” seminar on July 27

Join us at the water access Tomlinson Cottage on the north shore of Big Hawk Lake for a new feature this year – Wildlife on our Lake on Wednesday July 27th from 7-8pm.  This evening session includes boat transportation from Big Hawk Marina at 6:45pm for those who need it. 

Seminar leaders Ruby and Olivia Tomlinson, along with Leora Bermaan of the Land Between and the Turtle Guardians, will focus on “Bats, Bats, Bats” as well as Algonquin Turtles.

You must register here in advance for this informative seminar and if you need boat transportation please send an email to Registration for this event will be limited to 30 pre-registered participants so don’t be slow as a turtle to get online and register!