Final event of the summer on August 19th

Once again, the Tomlinson family will host an informative seminar about “Wildlife on our Lake” at their cottage on Big Hawk for our last HHLPOA event of the summer season. 

There will be four topics covered in ten minute presentations beginning at 7pm on Saturday August 19th:

Geological Creation of The Algonquin Highlands’

Kevin Tomlinson, Geologist (Lakehead University)

The Land Between’ – A globally unique Biozone and Ecotone in Southern Ontario

Leora Berman, Founder, The Land Between, Turtle Guardians, Haliburton

‘Beavers and Wetland Ecology, Conservation and Management’

Olivia Tomlinson, Zoologist, Royal Holloway University, UK

‘The Secret Lives of Eastern Bluebirds’

Ruby Tomlinson, Zoology Student, Royal Holloway University, UK

There will also be a surprise species display that is sure to be a highlight.

Capacity is limited to 30 for this FREE event, so you need to register in advance. Registration is easy and online here:

Boat rides will be available from Big Hawk Marina at 6:30pm. Email  to put your name on that list.