Native Trees and Shrubs available this Saturday only

This Saturday, stop by Elvin Johnson Park between 10 am and 2pm for the “cash and carry” sale of native trees and shrubs. Selected with care by our local Master Gardeners, this year we will have:

Sugar Maple

Burr Oak


Jack Pine

White Spruce

Pagoda Dogwood

Saskatoon Serviceberry

Fragrant Sumac


Highbush Cranberry

These were selected to be appropriate to our unique landscapes and will provide food and shelter for a range of pollinating insects like bees and butterflies, along with birds and mammals. 

All seedlings will be $5 each, ready for planting and available until sold out from 10am to 2pm at Elvin Johnson Park on Halls Lake. More information about this event is on our website.

Lead photo: Serviceberry in bloom, May 6, 2024