Roots and shoots for your property

Returning in 2025 will be the “Native Tree & Shrub Sale” from the HHLPOA. As always, plant selections have been made by our local Master Gardeners to ensure that the types of trees and shrubs offered in the sale will thrive in our local environment.

We will once again offer 5 types of trees and 5 types of shrubs, each for the low price of $5. This year, the sale will be on Saturday, May 24th at Elvin Johnson Park.

In addition to providing food, shelter and improvement to air quality, Diana Beresford-Kroeger gives us many reasons to plant trees in her book entitled “Our Green Heart”. It’s available from the Haliburton Public Library – check it out!

Lead photo credit: Shelley Fellows

Serviceberry, a flowering shrub/tree that provides year round food and shelter for birds and pollinators. It’s on our list for 2025!
