Ted and Elaine Burbidge were named our Volunteers of the year for 2024 for their many years of giving their time and expertise to the HHLPOA. Ted has been training new volunteers to take over Lake Steward water sampling on Halls Lake and he hopes to be a judge for the Bakers’ Contest again in 2025. Elaine continues in her role on the Lake Plan Committee. How awesome are these two!?!
We hope that you might consider giving your time in 2025. It could be for just a couple of hours and some of the tasks do not even have to happen at the lake. Expertise is needed in all sorts of areas from photography, to writing, emailing, making phone calls, coordinating events, wrapping up root plants, weighing and measuring fish, looking for invasive species, taking water samples, finding other volunteers and the list goes on. Whatever time and expertise you can give is appreciated. Click here for the Volunteer link: Volunteer – Halls & Hawk Lakes Property Owners Association (HHLPOA)